Modern Art…What We Are Told It Is and What It Actually Is

Modern Art…What We Are Told It Is and What It Actually Is

Every time progressives touch something it turns to mud, or worse. Families, ruined…welfare system…society, ruined…welfare system…hollywood, ruined…perverts and pedophiles…literature, ruined…satanic perverts and pedophiles…music, ruined…satanic perverts and pedophiles…art, ruined..satanic perverts and pedophiles….schools, ruined…teachers unions…government, ruined…government unions.

All of the beauty that once was, has been turned to ruin by people pushing ideas that remove God from the equation. Once God is removed…well, you see the results.

What we are told modern art is… It looks to me like…”clean up on aisle 4″.

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What modern art should be and what modern art is…

Pieces removed from the Dad to make the son. Incorporates God, family, life, beauty, nature and all things that make people think deeply about what’s important in life… all-the-while touching their hearts, soul and strength.

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